Chapter 10. Multiple choice

In this test you find statements about which you have to decide for which terms they are true.Write the appropriate number in front of the statements.

10.1. Write the number of the statement most applicable on the dotted line.
10.2. Write the number of the statement most applicable on the dotted line.
10.3. Write the number of the statement most applicable on the dotted line.
10.4. Write the number of the statement most applicable on the dotted line.
10.5. Write the number of the statement most applicable on the dotted line.

Write the number of the statement most applicable on the dotted line.

  1. CaCO3

  2. SiO2

  3. Both

  4. None

  • ..... A component of loess

  • ..... Travertine

  • ..... In rocks affected by karstification

  • ..... If occurs in low proportion, the viscosity of lava is higherk

  • ..... Builds 45% of rhyolite

  • ..... Stromboli, Etna

  • ..... Stalactite

  • ..... Chert

  • ..... Produced by solfataras

  • ..... Typical component of Andean rocks


Write the number of the statement most applicable on the dotted line.

  1. Loess

  2. Limestone

  3. Both

  4. None

  • ..... Chert

  • ..... Travertine

  • ..... Rock affected by karstification

  • ..... SiO2 is a main component

  • ..... Piping (suffosion) is a major process of its erosion

  • ..... Clastic sedimentary rock

  • ..... Includes CaCO3

  • ..... Wind action is important in formation

  • ..... Formed in great thicknesses (several thousands of metres) in the Triassic

  • ..... Typical in Alpine rocks


Write the number of the statement most applicable on the dotted line.

  1. Mechanical weathering

  2. Chemical weathering

  3. Both/Applies to both

  4. None/Applies to none

  • ..... Preparatory process to surface planation

  • ..... H2CO3 + CaCO3 = Ca (HCO3)2

  • ..... Typical of cold polar areas

  • ..... End product is clay

  • ..... Temperature is an important condition for its operation

  • ..... Influenced by pH

  • ..... Involves chemical transformation

  • ..... May be caused by pressure release

  • ..... Its product can be transported by mass movements

  • ..... Typical in the tropical belt


Write the number of the statement most applicable on the dotted line.

  1. Oceanic (Atlantic) province

  2. Mediterranean province

  3. Both

  4. None

  • ..... Mid-latitudes

  • ..... Fluvial erosion typical in summer

  • ..... Fluvial erosion typical in winter

  • ..... Along the western coasts of continents

  • ..... Rivers have broad gravel beds almost dry in summer

  • ..... Typical soil type is terra rossa

  • ..... Mechanical weathering is only intensive in high mountains

  • ..... Brown forest soils are typical

  • ..... Fiumara type streams are typical

  • ..... In summer under the influence of the ascending limb of trade winds


Write the number of the statement most applicable on the dotted line.

  1. Barchan

  2. Parabolic dune

  3. Both

  4. None

  • ..... Formed by gelisolifluction

  • ..... Horns point against wind direction

  • ..... Landform of partly stabilized sand areas

  • ..... Also occurs in Hungary

  • ..... Merge to form transversal dunes

  • ..... Vegetation contributes to its development

  • ..... Average height is more than 100 m

  • ..... Landform of areas of free sand movement

  • ..... Aeolian landform

  • ..... Dark stripes are due to ovrag formation